
News from Cape Clear Ferries

Danzig – A Lavender adventure on Cape Clear Island

Cape Clear Ferry Blog

Danzig – A Lavender adventure on Cape Clear Island

Danzig a Lavender Adventure

Danzig restored
Danzig restored 2023

Visitors to Cape Clear Island will find a new Lavender attraction well worth a visit. Its found in an iconic building known locally as Danzig and located at the top of Leaca Joan. This is the less steep of the the two roads rising from the Island’s main harbor. Its kind of hard to miss because the Irish flag proudly flies nearby.

A loving restoration – Athchóiriú iontach

Last year we covered how this building was lovingly restored. And now, resplendent in lavender furnishings and fittings its open for business.

Danzig Dispaly
Lavender Display Danzig Cape Clear

An Impressive Display – Taispeántas den scoth

If you are looking for something with Lavender this is surely the place

Lavender Fudge
Delicious lavender fudge

to go. Local Island crafts people have produced an eclectic range of soaps, candles, balms, diffuses, sweets, cakes and much much more. Also on display are products from the Island Distiller, including the famous Lavender Gin and Lavender water.  Alcohol products are normally sold in the Island Craft shop, recently remodeled and which also boasts another great display of local products.

Attractions –Iontais ar fáil

Attractions include colorful bilingual storyboards,

Bilingual storybaords
Interesting bilingual Storyboards

a DIY option for visitors to complete their own gifts on site and an impressive VR tour of the Distillery.

Enthusiastic Staff – Foireann cáirdiúil

Of course any endeavor is only as good the people involved and visitors will find a friendly and informed local staff well able to help them choose the perfect gift.

A Great New Lavender Festival – Féile Iontach Lus Liath

Beckons on the weekend of 12 to 14th July next on Cape Clear Island.  Find out more about this on their great new website.

Congratulations – Comhghairdeachas

A big congratulations to all involved in making Cape Clear Island the Lavender Capital of West Cork. And so, we hope that visitors will enjoy their lavender adventures on fabulous Cape Clear Island.

Ni neart go cur le céile.