From Strength to Strength since 1987
Cape Clear Community Woodland is going from strength to strength. Now while many projects start small, this one was ambitions from day one. Over 14,000 trees were planted over the winter of 1989/90 through a Community Enterprise Scheme. Many of these were planted on Coop owned land in the center of the Island. Thus guaranteeing unfettered access for the Community and visitors alike.
Paths and Trails
Initially the trees were planted on both sides of a popular path known as the Mass Track. This is a shortcut that bisects the Island and leads to the Island Church, Eaglais Naomh Ciarán. Later the development of marked trails saw a popular trail know as The Green Loop also cross this land. And happily this amenity is welcoming to dogs.
Filling in the Gaps
Initially it was touch and go whether the woodland would become established. But by the
Millennium the trees had overcome the Bracken and were beginning to thrive. Since 2002 local volunteers have mustered every year to plant more deciduous trees in gaps now protected by the longer established trees.
Strength in diversity
As the years have gone by more and more species have been incorporated. These include various fruit trees, Holly, Oaks, Birch,Ash, Alder, Elder, Hawthorn and many more. And we have discovered by trial and error how good the
common sally is at protecting other trees from our salt laden winds.
Owls, Fungi and Bluebells
As the trees have thrived so too have other fauna and flora. Some have become roosting spots for Owls. More and more
fungi appear every year and Spring sees bluebells appear.
Natural regeneration
And recently signs of natural regeneration has appeared. We show some young Mountain Ash ( Rowan) saplings taken this year.
Stunning Views
All views on Cape Clear Island are stunning. But there is something special when they appear through the gaps in the trees. And especially when those gaps are rocky outcrops of heather in full bloom with stunning sea views beyond,
We are delighted to have sponsored the annual tree planting in recent years. This is a magnificent endeavor and greatly deserving of support.
Cléire abú. Coill Cléire abú.